Alain Tchana
Alain Tchana is from Nkongsamba (, a city in
Cameroon. He is gratuated from University of Yaoundé I in 2008. Then he received his PhD in computer science in 2011 at Toulouse INP. Since September 2022 he is Professor at Grenoble INP in France. Before Grenoble, Alain Tchana was Assistant Professor at Toulouse INP (2013-2018),
Professor at Nice University (2018-2019), and Professor at ENS Lyon (2019-2022). His main research interests are Virtualization and Operating Systems. Simply, Alain Tchana is a Systems guy! He has published more than 60 research papers in major Systems, Middleware, Network, and Security conferences including EuroSys, USENIX ATC, INFOCOM, VEE, Middleware, RAID, and DSN. He has also served as PC member in several conferences including USENIX ATC, EuroSys, NSDI, and DSN. Alain Tchana has co-supervised seven PhD students, five of whom are pursuing their career in academia. He has received two major prizes: the 2021 CNRS GDR RSD best junior researcher awards in France, and the 2021 Prix de la Francophonie pour Jeunes chercheurs.
Live migration of virtual machines is a concept highly used in cloud computing environments for various reasons such as server upgrades, consolidation to reduce energy consumption, etc. This migration
however faces several challenges when taking place between servers that present a heterogeneous set of processors. It is important to properly characterize this heterogeneity as well as evaluate its impact on virtual machine migration within the context of a data center. Our work aims at providing an extensive characterization of migration issues related to processor heterogeneity and propose an amelioration to the virtual machine migration algorithm in the context.