Xen Winter Meetup 2025

Xen Winter Meetup 2025

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Alain Tchana

Alain Tchana is from Nkongsamba (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nkongsamba), a city in
Cameroon. He is gratuated from University of Yaoundé I in 2008. Then he received his PhD in computer science in 2011 at Toulouse INP. Since September 2022 he is Professor at Grenoble INP in France. Before Grenoble, Alain Tchana was Assistant Professor at Toulouse INP (2013-2018),
Professor at Nice University (2018-2019), and Professor at ENS Lyon (2019-2022). His main research interests are Virtualization and Operating Systems. Simply, Alain Tchana is a Systems guy! He has published more than 60 research papers in major Systems, Middleware, Network, and Security conferences including EuroSys, USENIX ATC, INFOCOM, VEE, Middleware, RAID, and DSN. He has also served as PC member in several conferences including USENIX ATC, EuroSys, NSDI, and DSN. Alain Tchana has co-supervised seven PhD students, five of whom are pursuing their career in academia. He has received two major prizes: the 2021 CNRS GDR RSD best junior researcher awards in France, and the 2021 Prix de la Francophonie pour Jeunes chercheurs.

  • Characterizing live migration of virtual machines between heterogeneous CPUs
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Andrei Semenov

I'm a senior engineer at Vates. With more than 30 years of experience in system software development, I'm particularly interested in "bare metal" software programming.

  • Implementing AMD SEV technology in XEN Hypervisor
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Andrew Cooper

Andrew is a lead software engineer for XenServer. Upstream, he is an x86 hypervisor maintainer, and a member of the Xen security team.

  • Key improvements & contributor opportunities in the Xen hypervisor
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I am a second year PhD Candidate at the University of Rennes. Originally from Cameroon where I obtained my Diploma in Computer Engineering, I later moved to France to pursue a research career with particular interest in processors and virtualisation systems. I am currently working on live migration of virtual machines between heterogeneous processors.

  • Characterizing live migration of virtual machines between heterogeneous CPUs
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Julien Durillon

Co-founder, developer and ops engineer at Clever Cloud, I’ve worked on Clever Cloud’s orchestration and on diverse technologies.

  • REX: Integrating xcp-ng + xoa "as a Service"
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Kelly Choi

Kelly Choi is the Community Manager for the Xen Project. Kelly collaborates closely with the Advisory Board, developers, and The Linux Foundation to raise awareness and advance the project. Kelly champions initiatives to elevate and spotlight Xen's mission, spanning different domains including the hypervisor, embedded, security systems, and more. She has also written articles regularly for the xenproject.org blog, and spoken at previous open source events.

  • Xen Project Weather Report
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Léo Cosseron

Léo Cosseron is a 3rd year PhD student in the MAGELLAN team at IRISA (Rennes), and holds a M2 in Computer Science from ENS Rennes (2022). His research interests include hardware virtualization, network simulation and system security. During his thesis, Léo is looking to precisely synchronize a network simulator with a malware analysis sandbox, with the aim of creating a dummy network environment that is indistinguishable from a real network, in order to counter evasive malware based on network performance fingerprinting.

  • Hiding VMI Pauses on a networked Xen-Based Sandbox with TANSIV
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Olivier Lambert

I've been working with free software projects since 2005, deploying Xen since 2008. I'm also the creator of Xen Orchestra in 2009 and XCP-ng in 2018. Also CEO and co-founder of Vates.

  • Welcome & Opening Remarks
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Piotr Król

Piotr Król is an open-source firmware enthusiast who founded 3mdeb in
March 2015. His expertise is rooted in the hacker ethos of collaborative
innovation and transparency, guiding 3mdeb's focus on projects like
Zarhus OS, a Yocto-based Embedded Linux distribution, and Dasharo, a
coreboot downstream project. These projects are dedicated to open
development, embedded firmware resilience, platform security,
transparency, the right to repair, and digital sovereignty.

Piotr's deep involvement in open-source firmware includes key computing
areas such as Root of Trust, Secure, Verified and Measured Boot, TPM,
coreboot, UEFI, EDK II, Yocto, U-Boot, and Linux. He often speaks at
significant industry events like FOSDEM, Xen Developers Summit, and
Platform Security Summit, sharing his insights and promoting the
open-source firmware ecosystem. Piotr is dedicated to sharing knowledge
by serving as a Trainer at OpenSecurityTraining2, offering free and open
educational materials to advance the open-source firmware ecosystem.

  • Enabling UEFI Secure Boot in XCP-ng: Establishing a Robust Chain of Trust
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Teddy Astie

Xen hypervisor R&D engineer in the XCP-ng team.
Working on Xen hypervisor and Rust related projects at Vates.

  • Xen and Rust
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Thierry Escande

Thierry Escande is a software engineer at Vates, working within the XCP-ng team. He contributes to the development and maintenance of the XCP-ng virtualization platform, focusing on system improvements, stability, and new features. Passionate about open-source technologies, Thierry plays a key role in advancing XCP-ng's capabilities and ensuring its reliability for a growing global community.

  • Enhancing Q35 Support in Xen